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Training Areas Listings v2.4

Written by gyl on Monday, January 07, 2008

This is an incomplete list of training area maps in the world of Granado Espada. Version 2.4 has several changes in the game making certain AFK-able maps hardly AFK-able anymore because of new bosses. Aside from mini-bosses spawning in areas that are afk-able before, there are now elite monsters appearing and randomly generating its minions with it. Though there are coordinates in the map that doesn't spawn these elite monsters, it is safe to go and try out various parts of the map to still be able to AFK train in pre-2.4 version of the game.

Reboldoeux Stone Pit - no boss

Ferrucio Junction - Hill Giant
Al Quelt Moreza - no boss
Al Quelt Moreza Nartex - Cerbera
A l Quelt Moreza Parsonage - Siegmund
Al Quelt Moreza - Togat Humanoid
Al Quelt Moreza Hollow - Dilos Latemn
The Cathari Falls - no boss
King's Garden - no boss
Tetra Hills - no boss
Tetra Grand Corridor - Phobitan Chieftain
Tetra Catacomb - Siegmund, Pollux
Tetra Golden Road - Castor
Tetra Antiquities Room - Treasure Golem
Jezebel Glen - no boss
Porto Bello - no boss
Porto Bello Deck - Merman Chieftain, Escuerdo Pecher
Porto Bello Cabin - Siegmund, Nosair Captain
Porto Bello Hold - Pasiar Captain
Porto Bello St Catharina's Saloon - Chimera
Porto Bello Deserted Quay - Wanlanshe
Porto Bello Desolate Cliff - Bellboy, Captain Sharffenberger [sp?], Vergo the Cursed
Theuringenwald - Sunflower Dandelion Gorilla
El Lago de Tres Hermanes - Sunflower Dandelion Gorilla
El Tejado Verde - Violent Demonische
Torsche Mansion Savage Garden - Gehvars
Torsche Mansion Reception Hall - Hollow Footman Captain
Torsche Mansion Grand Library - Victor
Predera de Ceniza - Violent Gehcos, Diablo (Raid Boss)
Rion Prairie - Giant Cockatrice
Rion Corridor - no boss
Rion Hollow - no boss
Bonavista River - Giant Cockatrice
Vegas Javier - Powerful Phobitan Imp, Great Hill Giant (Raid Boss), Griffon (Raid Boss)
The Crater of Joaquin - Violent Joaquin Bear
Prison de Joaquin, The Mohrgus - Dragon Head
Prison de Joaquin, The Altar of Despair - Jabberwock Captain
Prison de Joaquin, The Torture Chamber - Vladimir
Prison de Joaquin, Schivarliere - Fallen Champion
Prison de Joaquin, Gehanna Bridge - Gerero
Old Port of Coimbra - Dekavaria (Raid Boss)
El Ruina de Memoria - Violent Ghost Baron
El Canon de Diabolica - Violent Ghost Baron
Ustiur Zona Uno - Sabel Tiger
Ustiur Zona Tres - Sabel Tiger
Topolo Duraga - Phobitan General

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  1. 3 Comment: Responses to “ Training Areas Listings v2.4 ”

  2. By PJ Punla on January 8, 2008 at 1:41 AM

    tetra hills mini boss is Phobitan imp leader or something like that.

    rion corridor and hollow now have Bear-type mini bosses.

  3. By gyl on January 8, 2008 at 8:12 AM

    Rion Corridor got something like "Bear Leader" and I consider them one of the "elite monsters" which isn't really a boss-type the same as Tetra Hill.

    I think they're discouraging people to AFK train their way to Vet or just AFK train ~_~

  4. By Martin K. on October 5, 2009 at 2:14 PM

    The "Skullic Leader" (lvl 19) can also be found in the King's Garden.

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