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How to Optimize Your G-Points for Earning More Experience

Written by gyl on Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's face it! Not everyone is willing to spend too much money on Online Games. This is perhaps the primary reason why most Online Games are slowly converting to a F2P (Free-to-Play) format and rely on Cash Shop Items for profit. In my opinion, Cash Shops are a more effective way to gain profit than paying for game time. Anyway, this post is intended to the people who'd want to enjoy the game and at the same time make the most off their Game Time and G-Points.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people out there are already done strategizing and planning out how they would spend their money when the free game time is consumed. I do not like spending too much real life money for Virtual Items or Online games and I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people like me out there. I do enjoy playing Granado Espada and to continue having fun with the game I need to spend wisely.

This article is geared to talk about How to Optimize Your G-Points for Earning More Experience. We all want that competitive edge Granado Espada's Cash Shop Items gives you. Lucky for us, Game time and Cash Shop Money (G-Points) can be purchased together. This article will tell you various ways to maximize your spending of G-Points at the expense of not sacrificing your competitive edge.

Here's a chart of the Game Value Card rates:

i) G-Points With Game Time

Code Types for GVC/Box

G-points Provided with Game Time


1 day Unlimited Play GVC


USD 0.50

5 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 1.00

10 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 2.00

30 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 5.60

90 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 15.00

180 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 27.00

1 year Unlimited Play GVC


USD 40.00

ii) G-Points Without Game Time

Code Types for GVC/Box

G-points Only (W/O Game time)


1 day Unlimited Play GVC


USD 0.50

5 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 1.00

10 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 2.00

30 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 5.60

90 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 15.00

180 days Unlimited Play GVC


USD 27.00

1 year Unlimited Play GVC


USD 40.00

A 30 Days worth of Unlimited Play with G-Points gives you 5000 G-Points. Well others obviously gives you more but practically, you'd want to be purchasing 30 days GVC (Since the 90 and 180 days seem to be rarely available). 5000 G-Points is so little but don't worry this article is written so you can maximize EXP gain with it.

Forgotten Territory Pass

G points: 4,400
Duration: 1 day
Quantity: 3pcs
Allows access to the Forgotten Territory, a premium dungeon. (Players will be teleported out of the dungeon when their time expires.)

With the Forgotten Territory Pass, you can earn Combat Experience twice or thrice as much as people who're normally training outside this Premium Dungeon. These Premium Dungeons lasts for only 24 hours after you use it and runs even if you're logged off. The reason why you can earn twice or thrice as much as others (without Combat Manual) is that the spawn rate here is Rion Hollow-like or Sacred Dungeon-like so you probably get the picture already. A good thing about the monsters inside the Forgotten Territory is that they're similar to their original counterpart so you're better be prepared before entering. Another noticeable thing inside is that it has better drop rate.

It is quite possible to AFK inside and so you can maximize the high spawn rate even more. The only disadvantage of it is that it is very limited (24 hours per Pass) so you better clear your schedule before using it. Also, prepare your equips before heading in, remember that the less time you spend going in and out of the Premium Dungeon the more EXP and Item you can gain.

You can check out the forums or click on this link for more info.

Combat Manual - Average

G points: 4,400
Duration: 30 days
Quantity: 1pc
Increases EXP rate by 80%

Yes! That's right Combat Manual - Average! Why not get the Expert Manual instead? The reason is that it cost you 2200 G-Points more for the extra 20% EXP for the next 30 days which you can really spend on something else like a visit inside a Premium Dungeon.

Average and Expert Manuals doesn't have quick noticeable difference. Don't get me wrong, 20% EXP more is good but with such a limited G-Points from monthly GVCs you'd be better of with an 80% EXP Rate than nothing. Just be sure to keep on moving forward and changing training areas whenever you can. This pushes your characters to still be competitive even against those with 100% EXP boost.

The most important thing to remember is that you should always try to move up a notch on where you are leveling. There are still others who can do without EXP boost and still manage to compete well against those with 100% EXP boost. Also, keep in mind the ratio between training and going back to town to restock. The less you go back to town the more EXP and chance to find a good drop increases. If you have enough to spare you can CHIONG (a Singaporean word I learned lol) by using Forgotten Territory Pass with Average or Expert Combat Manual. I saw people training from 72 to 92 in 3 to 5 days using these cash shop items as combo!

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