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How to Earn More Vis in GE: 6 Techniques to Help you Start Earning

Written by gyl on Sunday, September 16, 2007

Granado Espada uses Vis as its in-game currency. Vis is just as essential as getting to higher levels with your characters. With more Vis in GE you can afford that expensive Equipment or that cool topless (oiled body) costume for scouts.

Earning Vis is easy. There's no secret and you just need to know how to get optimize time and play with the Market. With the right attitude towards earning more Vis and the discipline to go with it, you'll be making so much Vis enough for you to spend your G-Points on other stuffs instead.

Earning more Vis is not a difficult process at all and this post will provide 6 useful methods you can use to generate substantial income to the point that you won't be rely on G-Points too much. These seven methods are strategies that is very beneficial to those starting up or even in their mid-levels.

You can think of them as guidelines which point out the different options you have, if you're starting to find yourself losing too much or lacking vis.

1. The L.E.Y.S. Method or The Loot Everything You See Method

This is perhaps the most basic way to earning vis. Loots or Monster Drops varies depending on the level of the monster killed and the Drop Rate of the item. Remember, as you progress and move to higher level maps, the amount of loot increases (and at the same time, the chance lowers a little). Loots easily translates to vis and you should not miss on picking up one. Loots can include equipments which can sell for a better price either in Market Manager or to NPCs. You can check whether you get a special loot (like Mega Ionium, Area Vouchers etc...) by comparing what the Item NPCs sells. If they happen to be selling Tough Cotton Yarn and you happen to not be needing it at the moment, feel free to sell it right away. As for other loots such as Elemental Orbs, Toolset Boxes etc... if you're not going to use them or you're not planning on using characters that needs them, might as well go sell them right away.

2. Ferrucio Forge and Golden Well

An easier way to convert Loots to a more tradable items is through dumping them in Forges or Wells. Ferrucio Forges (can be found in Channel 1 of Cathari Fall, Jezebel Glen, and El Lago de Tres Hermanas) and Golden Well (Channel1 outside the City of Auch) can only be used once every hour and so you better take advantage of it by accumulating heaps of what it needs and use everything in the forge. Items from Ferrucio Forges can be used to sell for more Vis in Market Manager as there are demands for them.

After some time, the Golden Well's effectiveness in terms of earning more money has decreased. I believe so, but still I find a bit more potential in it. The Golden Well allows you to dump Gold Pieces in it and in turn it can produce Gold Bars(which sells for a lot in NPCs) or Bellem Boxes. Bellem Boxes generates a random item when used and it's more like a gamble when hoping to come up with a good drop. The most you could get from Bellem Boxes nowadays (v.2) are Spinelles which some could sell for a lot (if you're lucky to get that certain Spinelle).

3. Hunting What's Hot

It is fun studying what's on Market Manager. Most of the time there are overpriced items being sold there but the fun here is you can determine what the market needs. The Market always have a demand (which is very profitable) and the supply would always be scarce. Though this is a good way to earn vis, it is long and tedious and sometimes very frustrating. Another thing you need to know is where to hunt that certain item. Let's take Catherine's Pelvis for example. Let's say the market has a high demand for it and you can easily train in Torsche's Grand Library to hunt for it then by all means go and do so. The only downside is that there is no sure chance of you getting a Catherine's Pelvis at a certain hourly rate (you can even go Cath's Pelvis-less for a day or so). The risk of wasting your precious time is high but the pay out should still be good. Training in areas with a Boss/Mini-Boss and hunting them has a better chance of getting a good drop.

4. Of Enhancing and Enchantment, Of the used and the new

One of the reasons why some Equipments in the Market Manager looks overpriced is because of the stat in the weapon and/or it is Over-Enhanced (it has more than +4 Enhancement). This is a very risky way to earn more vis but the amount of profit is exponential and very beneficial to your own characters as well. Most of the time, you'll be focusing on making your characters stronger by equipping them with the best possible equipments. Over-enhanced weapons sells as much as the one with normal enhancement but with better Stat/Enchantment and vise-versa. If you can get both, you'd be racking up more vis for the gamble you took. There are some tricks to Enhancing like getting a bunch of +4 then enhancing everything to +5 and when one broke replace the next one with the equipment you wish to get to +5 and it is said to have better chance to not be broken. Of course there is all but a theory so dun bet on it.

Enchanting really has no trick to it but there's a ritual some people do to get them a good stat. What some of these people would do is to enchant the item and when they seem to get three bad stat in a row they stop and wait for an hour and re-enchant again. I suggest you do the over enhancing if you have enough vis to spare then Enchant afterwards. Another tip is to focus on your character's equipments first and don't venture to other equipments (just because you see a good market) because it will be a waste if you can't get a good buyer right away. In this way you get to hit two birds with one over enhanced equipment with good stat XD.

5. Farm Vis in High Spawn Areas

This is a mostly overlooked technique. If you have characters who can easily take care of high spawn areas like Rion Hollow, Secret Dungeon, Skul Dungeon etc... I suggest you go farm there instead. A day farming in Rion Hollow can rack you 3M+ vis only from crappy equips and normal loot pickups. They may sell for little but with their numbers they are big. The Premium Item that allows you to go to the Forgotten Territory is high spawn and has better drop rate (based from observation) at the same time. The longer you stay in your farming area the more vis you're earning.

6. Depreciation and beyond

If you check the Market Manager most of the time the most equipments sold is at around 4pm to 10pm (+8 GMT) maybe because a lot of people are active or have left the items in Market Manager earlier. Check the Market and compare prices between 48- 68 equips and 72-92 equips. Most of the time the equipments that is sold right away are the cheaper one with reasonable stats. In my server (Pachelbel), a decent level 48-68 equip can sell for 200-400k right away compared to the market of 72-92 that has an average selling prices of 500k-1M which takes sometime before it is sold. Depending on how mature your server is and your main team's current level go take on the maps that you can handle pretty well. Remember, the more time you spend in the training field the more chance you're earning your vis. Also, in accordance to point #5, it is better to earn as much Vis as you can even to the extent of training in areas where the monsters are levels way lower than you. As time flies, your server matures and a lot of people goes past that certain level and so the prices of equips will depreciate. With the ample earning you have, you'll have more purchasing power.

You have tips to share? Why don't you add comment for everyone to see ^_^

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  1. 4 Comment: Responses to “ How to Earn More Vis in GE: 6 Techniques to Help you Start Earning ”

  2. By Anonymous on December 13, 2007 at 10:48 AM

    An extra tip of managing the market :

    Note that every MMORPGs have several certain items that everybody needs regardless of high or low level characters.(example : in RO, elunium and oridecon for enchanting equips)

    In GE, somethings just do have in common : L40 shoes and gloves. This does not really require high amount of vis to invest. 1million vis is very easy and reasonable amount provide that you had been thrifty up to L50.

    The idea here is to buy plain shoes/boots/gloves, then make your own enhancement chips by breaking L40 equips from over-enchanting. For me i break L40 leather armors (ahem, if it wasnt me been overflooding the server with +6 and +7 leather amors, hehe)

    Naturally you will spend buying 3-5 pieces of shoes/gloves, and spend 500k on making chips(breaking approximately 30 leather armors with chances of at least 3-5 piece of +6 leather armor intact).

    Then go to Auch, you start enhancing your plain equips and gamble for a good power up. a +10% attack speed Glove(Def 1) can always sell for 1M vis. double or triple good power ups sell for more of course.

    Well, here's my secret of success in mid-level marketing. I earn 2-5M vis daily from my sales. ^^

  3. By gyl on December 13, 2007 at 10:23 PM

    Thank you for sharing! This one is very helpful.

  4. By Anonymous on February 27, 2008 at 1:01 PM

    why won't you make some gold drops after killing a mobs its very hard for us to gain gold here at GE pls make it just for the fun of game...... =)

  5. By Anonymous on February 27, 2008 at 1:06 PM

    GM's pls make something new at GE! can you make our xp more faster and pls give us some free combat manual exp card for free will you =)....

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