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Community Crew Quest: Jack Frost - Where is he?

Written by gyl on Wednesday, September 05, 2007

JACK FROST - Where is he?

Situation: Jack Frost... a well loved creature of Granado Espada, slaughtered by the millions in order to get their essential loot has suddenly vanished. The Community Crew has been devastated by this and have been currently looking into the situation. They are now asking people for any information they may have into the matter.

Details: The Community Crew is after talented people to create a 4 or 6 row/koma comic, story (Around 100-150 words) or video (Max of 1-2 minutes) which shows what happened to the beloved creature. They have dug into the staff's secret vault and taken out some prizes that they will be awarding a special person who is able to make the best work of art out of the community. It may use both ingame screen shots and fanart. The winner will be the one who displayed a humorous outcome of Jack Frost.

How to submit: Post your entries here

Please offer a hot link to the host instead of displaying it in the thread.

When submitting, please also post:
Family Name:
Server Name:


- You must create either a video, story or comic

- A story can have a maximum of 150 words

- A video cannot exceed two minutes

- 1x 6 or 4 box comic will be accepted

- Only one submission per person so do not make more than one post however the one post may be modified until the final day.

- Please do not use anyone else's work.

- The Contest ends on a date TBA. All entries after then will not be accepted.

- No Racism, Religion, Gender Discrimination etc may be used in your comic.

- Your entry must have to do with Jack Frost

- 1x Divine Angel Wings


Comic Template


From Sam the Community Crew: CSI Protege in GE Forums.

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