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Wanted: Catherine - How to recruit Catherine

Written by gyl on Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This week we are featuring a coveted rNPC who can take down on mobs all by herself and can have full command of every basic stances available. Yup! We are talking about the famous Catherine herself. Straight from Dr. Torsche's Mansion, we are going to be telling you steps on how to get this amazing versatile rNPC. She's Wanted for giving everyone a headache getting her >_<
You can start with her long quest at level 57.

Quest #1: Intruder Alert!
Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Reception Hall
1. Go to E3 and try accessing the Maid's Room. You'll be prompted to defeat the boss Victor.

#2: A Lazy Robot’s Request for Help
Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Maid's Room
1. Talk to Cayene inside the Maid's Room
2. He'll ask you to polish 5 armors located atB7, D8, H10, J7, H6.
3. Return to Cayene to complete the quest.

Quest #3: Otite Key

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Maid's Room
1. Talk to Roseanne the Maid inside the Maid's Room.
2. Get the
“How do I get to the 2nd floor” option.
3. You need to collect 200 Blue Otite Pieces
which can be obtained from Llyod, Walter and/or Sasha in Torsche's Mansion.
4. Talk to her after completing the quest and she'll allow you access to the Grand Library.

Quest #4: Humans Need Food Robots Need Otite

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
1. Go to J8 of Torsche's Reception Hall to access the Grand Library.
2. Inside the Grand Library, go to G6 to enter the Butler's Room and talk to Kamen inside.
3. Return to Roseanne in the Maid's Room and you'll open Quest #4.5.
4. After completing
Quest #4.5 talk to Kamen again.

Quest#4.5: A Power Storage Device for Kamen

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Maid's Room
1. Talk to Roseanne and she'll ask for the following items to make the power storage device:
10 Cogwheels from Hunted Book
20 Tubes from Haunted Desk
30 Springs from Helena
2. Return to her after collectingthe items.

Quest #5: A Mysterious Crimson Ribbon

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
1. Go back to the Reception Hall and look for a clickable painting somewhere around I10 and you'll receive a ribbon.
2. Talk to Kamen and select the “I would actually want to talk to you about something else” option and ask him how to enter Dr. Torsche's Laboratory.
3. Quest #6 will open and you'll receive the key to
Dr. Torsche's Laboratory.

Quest #6: The Alchemist Torsche

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
1. Go to the laboratory (can't remember the coord, it's the northwest most room) and fight the monsters inside the room.
2. Talk to Dr. Torsche afterwards.

Quest #7: Catherine’s Spin

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Dr. Torsche's Laboratory
1. Talk to Dr. Trosche and select the “Does this ribbon looks familiar to you?” option and he'll ask you to get something from Kamen.
2. Go fetch the item from Kamen and ask about Catherine.
3. Return to Dr. Torsche.

Quest #8: Open Your Eyes! Catherine

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Laboratory
1. Talk to Dr. Torsche and talk to him again after the long scene.

Quest #9: It is Best to Prepare for a Rainy Day

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
1. Go to Kamen and pick the “He seems to be hurt” option and he'll give you an item.
2. Return to Dr. Torsche and tell him that Kamen wanted to give him the item.

Quest #10: Catherine’s Revival

Where: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Dr. Torsche's Laboratory
1. Talk to Dr. Torsche and he'll ask you to bring the following Catherine parts.
Catherine Left-hand,
Catherine Right-hand , Hip,
Catherine Left-arm, Catherine Right-arm , Chest,
Catherine Left-leg , Catherine Right-leg , Heart/Refined Quartz (explained later),
Catherine Left-foot, Catherine Right-foot

* - monsters in Grand Library and Reception hall drops random Catherine parts.
Walter - Heart,
Catherine Right-arm, Catherine Right-hand
Lloyd -
Catherine Left-leg, Catherine Left-hand, Pelvis
Sasha - Catherine Left-foot, Catherine Left-arm, Catherine Left-leg
Helena - Chest, Catherine Right-foot, Catherine Right-leg
Victor - Pelvis

2. After getting all parts (you can purchase them on Market Manager NPC), talk to Dr. Torsche and he'll as you wether to place a normal heart or a Refined Quartz (common loot in savage garden) as Catherine's Heart.

Normal Heart gets you either:
Catherine of STR
STR: 8, AGI: 5, HP: 5, DEX: 5, INT: 5, CHA: 5
Catherine of DEX
STR: 5, AGI: 5, HP: 5, DEX: 8, INT: 5, CHA: 5
Catherine of INT.
STR: 5, AGI: 5, HP: 5, DEX: 5, INT: 8, CHA: 5

All have the following stanceS:
Sword + Shield - Back Guard, High Guard
2 Sword - Hack and Slash
Sword/Sabre + Pistol - Heaven or Hell
Pistol - Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
2 Pistol - Doublegun Shot
Rifle - Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Shotgun - Shotgun Blaster
Dagger - Escrima
2 Dagger - Dobolada Corte
Rapier - Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Main Gauche - Main-Gauche Garde
Sabre - Middle Guard
2 Sabre - Twin Blades
Great Sword - Plow Guard, Roof Guard, Tail Guard
Pole Arm - Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Staff - Psychokinesis, The Illutionist
Rod - Psychokinesis, ESP
Bracelet of Flame - Possession Fire
2 Bracelet of Flame - Possession Fire, Evocation Fire
Bracelet of Ice - Possession Ice
2 Bracelet of Ice - Possession Ice, Evocation Ice
Bracelet of Lightning - Possession Lightning
2 Bracelet of Lightning - Possession Lightning, Evocation Lightning
Lord of Elemental Bracelet - Lord of Elemental, Possession Fire/Ice/Lightning

Refined Quartz gets you Catherine the Summoneer.
STR: 5, AGI: 5, HP: 5, DEX: 5, INT: 5, CHA: 8
Marionette Control

CONGRATULATIONS! You now have your own Catherine the rNPC!

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  1. 2 Comment: Responses to “ Wanted: Catherine - How to recruit Catherine ”

  2. By Anonymous on January 13, 2013 at 2:28 PM


  3. By Anonymous on January 13, 2013 at 2:29 PM


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