Wanted: Irawan - How to recruit the Muay thai fighter, Irawan
Written by gyl on Thursday, September 13, 2007Granado Espada's new martial artist, Irawan is now set and ready to take the spotlight in this week's Wanted: rNPC post. He needs like a couple of Cash shop-only items which totally suck. He's virtually a buy-me rNPC but since he's featured in Granadosource, we'll help you get him for FREE! All you need is a little time grinding all over again or follow the cheap way below. Anyway, to kick the post off, here's a little info from Granado Espada's main page itself.
He’s a Muay Thai fighter from the Ciam, a country in the Far East of the old world.
He was once a favored ambassador of the King of Ciam, and was sent off on an expedition to Katai, the same country Sir Ferruccio Espada was searching for when he discovered the new continent.
The King of Ciam wanted Irawan to come back with information about the western world. However, a massive storm disrupted the voyage, sent the ship off course, and eventually Irawan found himself in Granado Espada.
Like Ferruccio before him, he set out for Katai, and ended up in the new world. Irawan has a new hand fighting stance, The Book of the Flame, featuring the skills “Elbow Flash”, “Phoenix Swoop”, “Will of the Warrior”, and “Atomic Tiger-Smash.”
On with the quest!
You can talk to him in Port of Coimbra. He should be near the bulletin board there. After talking to him he'll ask for the following items:
10 Soul Crystals
10 Triumph Fillers
10 Steroid Booster/Hrin Ampule
Okay, here is where the real quest starts. Did you know that you can actually get 5 of each items through questing?
Step #1
Using your main team (which is able to handle Joaquin Prison, Schivaliere) follow the storyline quest given by Sir Lyndon and Nunez. Just talk to them to start the quest, you start by talking to Sir Lyndon in Reboldoeux City.
Step #2
Follow the quest until Nunez asks you to greet the Colony Officer in the City of Auch. He'll ask you for 3 pieces of the Seal of Pioneer Level 5. Seal of Pioneer Level 5 can easily be acquired in Torsche Mansion by doing the Pioneering Memorial Quest.
Step #3
After completing the quest, the Colony Officer will ask you to talk Simon inside the Ville de Libertad (near the Enchantment NPC) in the City of Auch. He will then ask you to meet a NPC at the entrance of Pradera de Ceniza (either walk from Auch or warp to Prison de Joaquin).

Return to Simon and you'll receive 5 Soul Crystals.
Step #4
Return to the Colony Officer and you'll be asked to hunt down 100 Light Zavi [sp?] at El Tejado Verde. He'll give you 5 Steroids Booster/Hrin Ampule as a reward. Talk to him again and he'll ask you to investigate Joaquin Prison. Talk to the NPC near the waypoint in the city of Auch and you'll be asked to investigate the overturned box in Joaquin Prison, Schivaliere.
Step #5
Head to that level of Joaquin Prison and keep on pressing/clicking on a "Overturned Box" at around 1pm or 10pm and you'll summon a boss to fight. You can fight it in squad but be sure that you deliver the final blow (Ambers are useful too.
You get 5 Triumph Fillers from this quest.
You can virtually stop from continuing the quest there. Anyway, the real trick here is to either have a friend (another family) share you his half so you can get it (just make a deal or something) or create a trial account and purchase a rNPC card and use it to get to the last requirement an Andre (starts at level 56) is probably a good choice and just train him enough till he can use a level 70 amber.
And there you have it! If all else fails go broad for the items instead XD They're actually tradable anyway .
Step #7
Now talk to Irawan. Choose to lend him 1,000 vis and you'll be transported to a fight a couple of level 1 baddies ^_^. Just watch him unleash his furies of kicks and jabs. Then just continue talking to him and he'll ask for all three items.

After handing him everything. You'll get an Irawan card! Yey!
Irawan's Stats:
Str: 8
Agi: 6
Hp: 5
Dex: 5
Int: 3
Cha: 3
Starting Level: 1
Armor: Leather Armor
Knuckles - Chapter of Earth
Leg Guard - Chapter of Wind
Knuckles + Leg Guard - Chapter of Fire, Chapter of Earth, Chapter of Wind
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