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An explanation on Weapon and Armor Types

Written by gyl on Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ever wondered what those armor types are for? Granado Espada has a so called Weapon and Armor Affinities much like a Pokemon Games Elemental/Monster Types where a certain type of attack deals more damage to a weaker element. In GE, Weapons and Armor type varies depending on your target and to explain further here's what the monster information is like when you check them (alt+right click on the monster).

Armor Types
So far there are three types of Armors present in Granado Espad. They are Soft/Misc, Medium and Heavy/Hard. For players, Armor Type is determined by the armor they wear. Soft Armors are Coats and Robes, Leather Armors are Medium Armor and Metal Armors are the Hard or Heavy Armor.

Weapon Types
Weapons Types falls under the category of Small/Light, Medium/Normal and Big/Heavy. Small/Light Weapons are Bayonets, Daggers, Gaiters, Javelin, Knuckles, Main Gauches, Sabers, and Shotguns. They are strong against soft armors but weak against medium and hard armor. Medium/Normal Weapons are Pistols, Rifles, Rapiers, and Swords. They do not have any penalties on other types of armors but they're good against Medium Armor types. Heavy/Big Weapons are Cannons, Great Swords, Maces and Polearms and obviously they are good against Hard Armors with damage penalties on Soft and Medium Armor Types.

So the next time you right click and see the monster info, be sure to change weapons to maximize the damage potential of your characters. This perhaps a good reason why to train other stances. ^_^


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  1. 1 Comment: Responses to “ An explanation on Weapon and Armor Types ”

  2. By Anonymous on January 2, 2012 at 1:44 AM

    Very usefull ty!!

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