September 30, 2007 sgGE Colony War Results
Written by gyl on Sunday, September 30, 2007Congratulations to the factions who got their share of colonies. You can check for the past results here.

Your Ultimate Source for Granado Espada.
Congratulations to the factions who got their share of colonies. You can check for the past results here.
Dear gamers,
by popular demand, the selection from last month's poll on the "Item of the Month" has been confirmed.
The October's "Item of the month" which is found in the retail package "My Bellem's Box" is none other than "20 units of Andre's Costume Box"
To bring to you the item, we will be scheduling a maintenance for the Passport system from 1200hrs ~ 1400hrs on the 1st October 2007 (GMT+8). Right after the maintenance, you can use any of the unused "Item of the Month" code found in the retail package you can buy from any game retail outlets.
If you haven't got one yet, do not wait any further and get one right away. (We have heard reports of gamers buying 10 boxes at a go!)
Enjoy G.E. ! Live G.E.!!
Team G.E.
In-Game Event: School Girl in Distress
Date: Random days (Between 28 September 2007, Friday – 4 October 2007, Thursday)
Time: Random times
Server(s): All
Channel(s): 1
School girl needs help from heroes of Granado Espada!
School girl, Amethy, has been punished to do cleaning duties as punishment for sleeping in class. The big bad bully is lurking around the corner waiting for her to let her guard down. Will our heroes be able to hear her screams and save her from the big, bad bully?
Event FAQ:
In-Game Event - FAQ
Q: Can everyone take part in this event?
Yes. Please take note of the announcements in-game to know where the School Girl is located.
Q: Do we need to register for the event?
No. Keep your eyes peeled for the School Girl’s distress signal!
Q: Do we need a Squad to take part in this event?
No. It is recommended to find the School Girl, Amethy, as soon as possible!
Q: How many zones are related to this event?
One zone at any point of time. The zones are chosen randomly.
Q: What are the available rewards?
The rewards are namely “Ivory Bag” and “Rucksack”.
Every winner will receive each of the above-mentioned items.
Q: How do I win the event?
You can win the event by participating in the defeat of the bullies.
Taken from the Official sGE Website.
Dear GE gamers,
We have identified cases of exploitations of our game service which have resulted in
We have also monitored and confirmed that several of these acts were committed by RMT (real money trade) game value farmers and we have since removed confirmed offending accounts.
These measures are highly necessary in order to protect the game economy and quality of game play. We hope that all GE Gamers will support these measures by not supporting any RMT merchants.
IAHGames will not be responsible for any
Granado Espada has this very cool function which is "Patrol Mode" or "Hold Mode." These modes orders your characters to be in combat mode. This means that you can leave your characters under these modes and still see them attack and/or heal(for scouts). This is very useful as it allows you to catch up with the things in Real Life and still not worry too much about getting your characters' levels left behind.
This article is for those who haven't explored the style of AFK (or Away From Keyboard) Leveling. The basic things you need to know when AFK Leveling is that you should consider the level of the place you're AFK-ing and the amount of spawn your team can handle, and if there are boss/create spawns in the area. Personally, I would suggest you to value Survivability or the amount of time you AFK Train rather than the quality or the amount of EXP you receive per monsters. If you can manage tougher monsters and still manage to AFK there then it's good but for AFK Training in long period of hours (3 or so hours) you should value your survivability rate than the amount of exp rate.
When AFKing you either go to levels where you can 1-HKO (One Hit K.O.) monsters. This is why most tips will tell you that you should AFK Train in areas that is a few levels lower than your average level. Anyway, here are the places you can AFK successfully. There's an occasional "Elite" Monster but if you can 1-Hit Kill most then you should have no problem. The Maps listed bellow are highlighted in Red so you can view it easier.
Congratulations to the factions who got their share of colonies. You can check for the past results here.
Ever wondered what those armor types are for? Granado Espada has a so called Weapon and Armor Affinities much like a Pokemon Games Elemental/Monster Types where a certain type of attack deals more damage to a weaker element. In GE, Weapons and Armor type varies depending on your target and to explain further here's what the monster information is like when you check them (alt+right click on the monster).
Armor Types
So far there are three types of Armors present in Granado Espad. They are Soft/Misc, Medium and Heavy/Hard. For players, Armor Type is determined by the armor they wear. Soft Armors are Coats and Robes, Leather Armors are Medium Armor and Metal Armors are the Hard or Heavy Armor.
Weapon Types
Weapons Types falls under the category of Small/Light, Medium/Normal and Big/Heavy. Small/Light Weapons are Bayonets, Daggers, Gaiters, Javelin, Knuckles, Main Gauches, Sabers, and Shotguns. They are strong against soft armors but weak against medium and hard armor. Medium/Normal Weapons are Pistols, Rifles, Rapiers, and Swords. They do not have any penalties on other types of armors but they're good against Medium Armor types. Heavy/Big Weapons are Cannons, Great Swords, Maces and Polearms and obviously they are good against Hard Armors with damage penalties on Soft and Medium Armor Types.
So the next time you right click and see the monster info, be sure to change weapons to maximize the damage potential of your characters. This perhaps a good reason why to train other stances. ^_^
Reference: All rights reserved.
Started a new counter as of November 11, 2007 11:08pm (GMT +8).