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Granadosource's 100th Post - The Pursuit of Happyness

Written by gyl on Friday, November 23, 2007

I've been playing Granado Espada ever since I had it downloaded in May of 2007. It was fun and thrilling as I go about with the game. Exploring the beautiful landscape design and creating over a dozen characters to fill and serve as a decoration in my barracks. The land scape was amazing if you take a second to look around (at high resolution and graphical settings). Slowly, it became evident that Granado Espada before isn't the same as it was when I started out. As more and more people started playing the game (which is a good thing!), the way the game is played has changed dramatically. New rules has been set, as the battlefield isn't enough, war has been taken into a much fearsome stage - the economy. Prices suddenly skyrocketed and all of a sudden everyone's asking for nine digits of vis (that's like xxxM vis) for an item. Bots instantly flooded low level training grounds and you'd rarely be able to make out a normal player along the swarming bots of patrolling back and fort. For months they were able to do so freely and managed to stock up on probably more than twelve digits of vis to be sold. After some time, action was taken and their numbers went down. Though the bots have lessen in number, a new cause of head-ache took over. I'll mannered player who has small regards on Online Gaming Ethics. They'd run around training areas and take over good spot you long coveted. Then came people randomly PKing you and causing roughly five to ten levels of your hardwork down the drain. The weekly maintenance was supposedly for the server to rest, this is understandable since they're simply machines that do need time to recuperate as well. Though it is a good procedure, what comes after it is horrible. Even at the lowest setting (considering that your connection is at least decent) you'd still experience random lagspikes that can cost you to lose a loot perfectly waiting for you to pick them up. If this causes head-ache, then I won't bother going further to Colony Wars. It was reviewed that the game is a total grindfest. It was indeed! Training your character till vet takes around a couple of weeks of full grinding. Upon hitting vet status, you'll be needing to spend GPoints to upgrade them to the next level then you'll have to grind some more (grind to long, its as if you were training three new characters to vet). Playing nonstop for hours doesn't guiarantee you a solid amount (or even a rough number) of good loots which you'll be needing for your vets. Then it will jump right back to the stressful skyrocketing of prices.

Granado Espada is a game. It's supposedly fun. The Pursuit of Happyness isn't dependent solely on the game itself. I may have pointed out what I feel is what makes the game stressful and frustrating but it all boils down to the character of the person(the gamer) and how he will go about the game. It is not the game that gives you happiness. It is the way you play the game. Do not frustrate yourself on overpriced weapons, instead go join a fun Faction that definitely suits your taste and playing style. Don't fret on high leveled people who are actually bots, or the inequality that is sometimes caused by hacking or what not but instead go explore the game and the artistic landscape design it has stored for you. Don't get jelous over dominant faction, remember Rome eventually fell. Don't be annoyed with the game's drop rate, instead go do quests or do raids or missions with your friends. Granado Espada is an enjoyable game. It is fun. Despite what has happened, what is happening and what will happen next, never stop trying to pursue what makes you happy.

Thank You for supporting Granadosource. Sailing with us for almost three months has been an amazing experience. As of November 23, 2007 12:01am we have received 20,526 visits and we are very happy to see that it is still growing.

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  1. 6 Comment: Responses to “ Granadosource's 100th Post - The Pursuit of Happyness ”

  2. By Hrin on November 23, 2007 at 10:54 AM

    Very well said. :)

  3. By gyl on November 23, 2007 at 10:03 PM

    Thank you Ms. Hrin

  4. By Anonymous on November 24, 2007 at 3:49 AM

    the day you reached 3 moth and reached the 100 post is the day you got blogspotted too.. congrats!

  5. By gyl on November 24, 2007 at 7:45 AM

    Thanks darrick.

    It makes it quite special ^_^ and mistress Hrin commented on the blog as well.

  6. By The Arc on November 24, 2007 at 8:18 PM

    What if youre happiness actually rests up there: being at the top...

    btw i like the wiz pic with the post title...simple yet so sophstcted

  7. By gyl on November 24, 2007 at 10:22 PM

    Thanks Arc..

    Well if your happiness is to reach that top then you should be ready to face that rough road towards it.

    All the best to those who's aiming for it.

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