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MICROSOFT VISUAL C+++ Runtime Library from the Lucifer's Wing

Written by gyl on Sunday, November 04, 2007

Experiencing this:

ZmOjaZz from the forums has outlined what seemes to be causing this run time error.
(the original thread here)

Lucifer's Wing is BUGGED

The C++ program fails and reports the following run-time error:
runtime error R6025
- pure virtual function call
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This error occurs when your application indirectly calls a pure virtual member function in a context where a call to the function is not valid. In most cases, the compiler detects this and reports the error when building the application. But depending on how your code is written, sometimes the problem is detected only at run-time.

The error occurs when you indirectly call a pure virtual function within the context of a call to the constructor or destructor of an abstract base class. This is illustrated in the sample code below, along with some more description.

Calling a pure virtual function is a programming error, so you need to find the call to the pure virtual function and rewrite the code so it is not called.

One way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to replace the pure virtual function with an implementation that calls the Windows API function DebugBreak. When using the debugger, DebugBreak will cause a hard-coded breakpoint. When the code stops running at this breakpoint, you can view the callstack to see where the function was called.

Another way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to set a breakpoint on the _purecall function that is found in PureVirt.c. Breaking on this function has the advantage of keeping the stack intact so that you can trace what is occurring.

Basically what he/she is trying to say is that the Lucifer's Wing is bugged (though I believe some other areas too as I sometimes crash without and LuciWing nearby and heck other people don 't even experience the bug). Reinstalling the game and repatching is what other people did but some still crashes. A temporary fix would be to set your graphic settings to high. I tested all three and still I get the error message from time to time. There are some people that doesn't really get affected by the bug (and I wonder why ~_~" ). So avoid the towns and warp straight away to other areas and hope that there won't be any Lucifer's Wing-carrying-characters around. I was able to warp to my usual training area and so far I haven't crashed yet.

Let's all just wait for the GE People to fix this problem though I have no idea how long it'll take them (shall we be expecting a whole day of maintenance? or another free FT passes for compensation? I hope they hand out 100% 30 days Combat Manual ^_^ )

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