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In Focus: Kneeling Shot stance

Written by gyl on Friday, November 30, 2007

Firing ATK
A markmanship stance using the Pistol. A pistol's short barrel results in its poor accuracy. This stance attempts to compensate for this weakness.

Required Weapon:

Characters that can use this stance:
Brunie Etiene, Catherine of STR/DEX/INT, Grace, Stock Musketeer

Character level requirement:

Granadosource's take:
Aiming shot is a the rifle's Standing Shot counterpart for pistols. Aiming shot, as its name suggests, allows the user to be able to inflict more damage with a decent critical hit rate to boot. Since pistol pulls accuracy down, Aiming shot compensates it with its extra +25 Accuracy at max stance level. Compared to Freestyle stance, Aiming shot boast of the extra critical hit rate sacrificing a little attack speed and the ability to evade attacks. It is also possible to OHKO (one hit KO) targets in this stance).

PvE-wise, Aiming shot doesn't really have a hugh difference compared to Freestyle shot but since the extra fire power from more accuracy bonus, it allows you to AFK train better. Its skills are geared towards a single target dealing a comparable amount of damage but the only downside is that it lacks the ability to knockback targets. Serpent Sting is very efficient in inflicting Poison Status to any target, this extends Aiming Shot's usefulness in PvP. Double Firing is a good damage dealer and it is spammable as well. Snap Shot isn't really a good AoE but it is enough for you to clear little number of mobs before they accumulate. Zero-In is just a perfect finisher as it allows you to further increase your damage to 1,500% at skill level 10.

Stance Bonus:
1: Accuracy +1, Serpent Sting
2: Accuracy +2, Critical +1%
3: Accuracy +3, Critical +1%, Attack Speed +1%
4: Accuracy +4, Critical +2%, Attack Speed +1%, Double Firing
5: Accuracy +5, Critical +3%, Attack Speed +2%
6: Accuracy +6, Critical +3%, Attack Speed +2%
7: Accuracy +7, Critical +4%, Attack Speed +3%
8: Accuracy +8, Critical +5%, Attack Speed +3%
9: Accuracy +9, Critical +5%, Attack Speed +4%
10: Accuracy +10, Critical +6%, Attack Speed +4%
11: Accuracy +11, Critical +7%, Attack Speed +5%
12: Accuracy +12, Critical +7%, Attack Speed +5%, Snap Shot
13: Accuracy +13, Critical +8%, Attack Speed +6%
14: Accuracy +14, Critical +8%, Attack Speed +6%
15: Accuracy +15, Critical +9%, Attack Speed +7%
16: Accuracy +16, Critical +10%, Attack Speed +7%, Zero-In
17: Accuracy +17, Critical +10%, Attack Speed +8%
18: Accuracy +18, Critical +11%, Attack Speed +8%
19: Accuracy +19, Critical +12%, Attack Speed +9%
20: Accuracy +20, Critical +12%, Attack Speed +9%
21: Accuracy +21, Critical +13%, Attack Speed +10%
22: Accuracy +22, Critical +14%, Attack Speed +10%
23: Accuracy +23, Critical +14%, Attack Speed +11%
24: Accuracy +24, Critical +15%, Attack Speed +11%
25: Accuracy +25, Critical +16%, Attack Speed +12%

Serpent Sting - Fires a poisonous bullet.
Required Stance Level: 1
Shared Stance: None
Required Skill Points: 1
Range: 7.5m
Area Type: Ranged
Knockback: None
Number of Targets: 1
Effects: Chance to Inflict [Poison]
SP Consumption: 100, 1 Pistol Bullet
Cast Time: 1.3 Seconds
Duration: None
Recovery Time: None
Damage per skill level:
1: 123%
2: 134%
3: 145%
4: 156%
5: 167%
6: 179%
7: 190%
8: 201%
9: 212%
10: 223%
11: 234%
12: 246%

Double Firing - Fire two rapid shots consecutively.
Required Stance Level: 4
Shared Stance: None
Required Skill Points: 1
Range: 7.5m
Area Type: Ranged
Knockback: None
Number of Targets: 1
Effects: None
SP Consumption: 150, 2 Pistol Bullets
Cast Time: 0.8 Seconds
Duration: None
Recovery Time: None
Damage per skill level:
1: 263%
2: 287%
3: 311%
4: 335%
5: 358%
6: 382%
7: 406%
8: 430%
9: 454%
10: 478%
11: 502%
12: 525%

Snap Shot - Shoots 5 targets within a certain area.
Required Stance Level: 12
Shared Stance: None
Required Skill Points: 2
Range: 9m
Area Type: Ranged, 3m Radius
Knockback: None
Number of Targets: 1
Effects: None
SP Consumption: 250, 5 Pistol Bullets
Cast Time: 2.27 Seconds
Duration: None
Recovery Time: 15 Seconds
Damage per skill level:
1: 164%
2: 179%
3: 193%
4: 208%
5: 223%
6: 238%
7: 253%
8: 268%
9: 283%
10: 298%
11: 312%
12: 327%

Zero-In - Fires rapidly at a single enemy.
Required Stance Level: 16
Shared Stance: None
Required Skill Points: 3
Range: 8.5m
Area Type: Ranged
Knockback: None
Number of Targets: 1
Effects: None
SP Consumption: 300, 10 Pistol Bullets
Cast Time: 1 Second
Duration: None
Recovery Time: 20 Seconds
Damage per skill level:
1: 851%
2: 928%
3: 1005%
4: 1083%
5: 1160%
6: 1237%
7: 1315%
8: 1392%
9: 1469%
10: 1547%
11: 1624%
12: 1701%

Some data taken from X-Calibre of the GE Forum.

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