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7 Quick View on Fighter Stances

Written by gyl on Thursday, October 25, 2007

1. Sword and Shield
High Guard is perhaps the best choice for Tankers before hitting level 48. It allows you to survive huge amount of mobs while letting other characters deal the finishing touches. Provoke is essential in this setup as it allows you to keep the mobs' focus on your tanker. Back Guard is only good for its mediocre AE skill, other than that you'd want to stick to high guard all the way.

2. Sabres
Middle Guard is a pretty bad stance for fighters as their base stat doesn't allow them to maximize the potential of sabers. The only good thing to train sabre stance is to be able to max Heaven and Hell skills. A sabre skill allows you to hit airbourne units which isn't common in most maps in GE.

3. Dual Wields
Dual Wields are powerful stances as it allows you to use two weapons. This allows you to achieve high DPS (Damage per Second). The stances are all offensive oriented and it allows you to get a lot of stat from two weapons like getting maximum attack speed or enough stun rate to be able to stun-lock a target. As it has amazing potential, a common issue is that they are expensive since you need two good weapons. Dual wields also have a rare skill that allows you to target air units without the need of changing stances.

4. GreatSword
Greatswords are devastating though sacrificing its speed. Slow attacking weapons means that you get less SP regeneration rate (which can be countered with SP pots if you're able to spend that much). Acceleration and other speed buffs would help to maximize the power of a greatsword. A good thing with GreatSword stances is that you can simultaneously switch from a defensive stance to an offensive stance quickly. This is a very handy micro skill to have.

5. Polearms
This is the best choice for mob-control for a fighter but the sad part is that fighter stance can't make full use of a polearm swing. Polearms are like GreatSwords which is very damaging but extremely slow. The good thing with Polearms is that it allows a fighter to damage monsters affected in its small AoE (Area of Effect). The skills is very mob-oriented which is very helpful in high spawn areas. Polearms with stun/fear/freeze etc is very good as it allows you to inflict these status with one swing on like 3 targets.

6. Rapiers
Rapier stances are very convenient as it allows you to switch from an offensive to a defensive stance quickly. Unlike shield stances, rapiers have more skills that is damaging. Rapiers alone allows you to damage monsters in its small AoE. Epee Garde is a very damaging stance that has skills that deals 1k~2k+% of damage. Sabre Garde, the defensive stance, allows you to tank monsters like High Guard and at the same time gives you access to damaging skills. SP regeneration is also not a problem for this stance as the fast Attack Speed bonuses allows you to earn it all back up. This skill is perhaps the best leveling and afking stance for a fighter.

7. Pistol
Pistol Stances are primarily used for AFK training. Pistols allows you to maximize training AFK since you don't have to worry about your fighter running to far out of range that cancels patrol mode or makes the rest of your team run after him. Dual Pistol has a good AoE skill which can stand as your secondary mob control skill though it isn't as strong as Blandir Cruz would you can use it to deal the finishing blows on surviving monsters. Another issue for pistol stances is that pistol prices are always to high and so investing on a pistol should be evaluated carefully.

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