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Of Shields

Written by gyl on Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Shields are tanker's best friend."

We all know how godly a shield stance user can get in a battle field. Paired with the proper equipment, any shield user can take any beating and still manage to emerge on top. But do you know that you really don't need level 100 equipments (or shields, as the article is named after) to be able to withstand heavy beating and still be able to come out with little scratches? A common misconception of people is that they need elite equips to pump up their survivability rate (which in some cases isn't true).

Granadosource will be evaluating shields and at the same time help you make decisions that will make your shield user tougher and spend less on gears.

I've noticed that 10 more DEF doesn't have as much different as the same level of equipment with normal DEF bonus. Shields has been a big target for this observation. I pitted a level 36 Shield against a level 88 Skullic Guard (it has 10 more DEF than the lv36 Shield) and the result only yield a little under 20 points of damage reduction compared to the lower shield.

As a result of this observation, it is advisable to get lower level shield (not unless a certain shield got godly stat) and over-upgrade them the use enchantment chip until you get the desired stat (either settle for damage reduction and block or DR and block stat). This method is a lot cheaper and way easier than going for high level shields which is expensive to chip and is costly if you're going to buy yourself.

Keep in mind that you're getting a good Shield for more DR (since any level of shield only gives 1 extra DR) and more block rate not more DEF rating.

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  1. 6 Comment: Responses to “ Of Shields ”

  2. By Anonymous on October 29, 2007 at 1:54 AM

    I was really hoping for elite/elite recipes so I rushed my 2nd team to zona tres and skull.

    I was so happy to read the "Elite -" tag on the system message window and found that it was an elite 84 shield recipe.

    GREAT ! :p

    plain elite shields are next to useless right ?

  3. By gyl on October 31, 2007 at 7:29 PM

    Not really useless but they have more defense points (DEF) than normal ones. The only downside is that you'll be spending more millions for enchantment chips to get your desired stat.

  4. By ChristusX on November 1, 2007 at 3:29 AM

    ei tnx for posting this article. it really healped. im using a shield which is lvl 28 with +10 block for my lvl 80 fighter and it gives the same DR and block rate as an expensive lvl 80 shield with +10 block. there is just a little difference on the def but the effect is not so noticeable. ^^

  5. By gyl on November 13, 2007 at 11:10 PM

    The same goes for other equips! Sometimes the pricing differs when a certain armor got like an extra 10 DEF over another where that 10 more DEF isn't really that noticeable as well.

  6. By Anonymous on November 15, 2007 at 10:16 AM

    lol idiots, there is a hidden block value on higher lvl shields, stats for stats item for item, the fighter with the higher lvl shield will farking trash the lower lvl shield.

  7. By Anonymous on April 24, 2008 at 11:53 PM

    nope, only super high level shields have innate blocks(e.g. phantom guardian lvl100, [block +13])...

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