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Mercenary Contract and Character Trading

Written by gyl on Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mercenary Contract and Character Trading

Mercenary Contracts allow you to change your characters into character cards, which can then be traded to other players for Vis or other items.

To turn one of your characters into a Mercenary, you must first purchase a Mercenary Permit from the Premium Shop. Then you’ll need to pay a visit to the Mercenary Agent. You’ll find him in Pegadilla, the alleyway in the Port of Coimbra.

1) The Mercenary agent in Port Of Coimbra

will help you create and hire Mercenary characters.

Mercenary Contracts: Creating a Mercenary

Mercenary Contracts allow you to change your characters into character cards, which can then be traded to other players for Vis or other items.

To turn one of your characters into a Mercenary, you must first purchase a Mercenary Permit from the Premium Shop. Then you’ll need to pay a visit to the Mercenary Agent. You’ll find him in Pegadilla, the alleyway in the Port of Coimbra.

In order to become a mercenary, the character must:

- Be level 50 or higher

- Not have any items equipped

- Purchase a Mercenary License

You must also have at least one other character in your active party when turn the leader into a mercenary.

NOTE: Turning a character into a Mercenary comes with a penalty of ~20% of that character’s gained experience. For example, a level 100 character would only be about level 94-95 after becoming a mercenary. This experience can be re-gained after they are hired and activated again.

2) You must purchase a Mercenary Permit from the Premium Shop to convert a character into a mercenary. Once a character becomes a mercenary,

you can trade them to other families as a character card.

Once these requirements are met, you can change the character to a mercenary character card. The character will retain all skill points, learned stances and stance levels, along with any veteran promotions they may have. The card will appear in your inventory, and can now be traded for items or Vis.

Hiring a Mercenary

In order to create a character from a mercenary card, your team members must at least be level 30. Once you obtain a mercenary character card from another family, visit the Mercenary agent to activate that character in your family.

To create a Character from a Mercenary Contract, you must have 100,000 Vis, a Mercenary Contract (the character’s Mercenary card), and an open space in your Barracks. Visit the Mercenary agent and select the option to hire a mercenary character. A creation window will appear.

Drag the card into the open slot to see the mercenary character’s details. You can also click a button to see their stance details before creating them. Enter the name you wish the new character to have and click “Create a Character.” The character has now been employed in your family.

The new character will carry your assigned first name and your family name. They will be created with no items, but will retain all stances, stance EXP and veteran promotions earned with their previous family. However they will only have ~80% of their previous overall EXP.

With the Mercenary System, you can now trade or sell away unwanted characters, and buy or trade for new characters without having to do all your own training.

Another new form for Vis Seller to sell more good. Heck, even a better way to earn more vis in exchange of high leveled characters. Come to think about it, IAH Games will benefit more from it since you need ##k GPoints to get Mercs on your side or to make them tradble. For me, I'd stick with my old characters. I just can't sell them after all the hard work I put in them.

From Granado Espada main website. All rights reserved.

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