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Hrin’s Updates: Bot Court? Yay Or Nay

Written by gyl on Friday, October 12, 2007

Hi guys!

1. Bot Busting (B Square) Squad Feedback

Our bot busting squad has been working 24/7 for the past 2 weeks to keep ‘third parties’ from coming between our relationship. We would like to know whether this measure has been effective in eradicating most of the bots. After all, such resources (especially a 24/7 one) are a huge money drain and upper management needs to know if these resources are justifiable. Thus, we would like to conduct a poll to find out about the service level and effectiveness of the B Square Squad.

Please vote and leave your feedback here.

2. Upcoming Events

Vanity Extravaganza: 18th October 2007, Thursday-25th October 2007, Thursday

Due to community feedback and popular demand, we are bringing you yet another week of costume sales! 20% discount on all costumes! There will also be some School Uniform Packages which are going at 10% below its normal price.

Discuss this here.

3. De-Leveling Issues

The community has been asking us for a stand on de-leveling issues. The [GM] team deals with this on a case-to-case basis. For example, if a player has just leveled up and was PK-ed by someone else just once, he would be ‘de-leveled’. This type of scenario is part of the game-play on a PK server. However, the other type of scenario whereby the infamous ‘Ress-PK Loop’ combination is repeatedly deployed – is considered as harassment and the culprit will be dealt with accordingly.

Discuss this here.

4. Opinions On Bot Court: Justice For All!

We’re facing a bit of a dilemma here. We do have a few appeal cases on hand and although the entire team has watched the video replays and coming to a unanimous decision about rejecting the appeal, a few gamers persist in an outcry of innocence on the forums. Thus, we’re toying with the idea of presenting these replays to the community and inviting the community to play the roles of judge, jury, defense attorney, prosecutor and whatnots. Typical scenarios include:


He has an alibi! His faction mate, MisterAlibi Family was speaking to him at the time he was forcibly disconnected from the server and proclaimed as botting!”


The records show that the time of botting was at 1313hrs while his faction mate was speaking to him at 0808hrs! There is a time lapse of 5 hours! We plead that the court regards this evidence as null and void!”

It’s an unorthodox approach, no doubt, but hey, in a day and age like this, unorthodox works. ;)

Let us know your opinion on this.

5. Real Person VS Reel Person

The [GM] team has been getting some appeal cases whereby the gamer admits that he has been using a *‘pilot’ to train his characters and that his*‘pilot’ used certain third party programs without his knowledge to train his characters. Unfortunately, we have to reject such appeals. After all, if your virtual character does the crime, then your virtual character has to do the time. You, as a real person, are cleared of all charges. It’s just your reel character that isn’t.

Since we are on the topic of ‘pilots’, we strongly discourage the community from sharing accounts or letting someone else pilot your account as this might result in scams, hacks or abuse of your account.

Discuss this here.



A pilot with quotation marks as mentioned above – ‘pilot’, is not really the dude who steers an aeroplane. In this context, it refers to someone who is employed to train your virtual characters on your behalf.

Regional Community Manager - Granado Espada
GE Blog:

Taken from the Granado Espada Website.

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  1. 1 Comment: Responses to “ Hrin’s Updates: Bot Court? Yay Or Nay ”

  2. By Anonymous on October 14, 2007 at 9:28 AM

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