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Hrin’s Updates

Written by gyl on Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hi guys!

1. Colony Maps Monthly Reset

We have heard some feedback from the community requesting for a monthly reset of colony maps. Initially, we had proposed this idea from the start of POBT due to IMC’s (Granado Espada’s game developers) recommendations, however, the idea was not well-received by the community due to lack of experience about what colony wars were about. Considering that we have been through a few months of colony war and that many people have been requesting for this monthly reset to take place, we are opening up a poll to determine the fate of Granado Espada’s Colony Maps.

Here is what will happen if a monthly reset of Colony Maps take place: Once a month, colony maps will be reset to free for all, where everyone has an equal chance of conquering and owning a colony. In subsequent weeks, the factions who own colonies will defend their colonies from other factions who declare war against them. This will continue until the monthly reset kicks in and colonies become free for all once again.

Voice out your opinions and vote here.

2. Forum Quests

Forum Quest #7: CM Veya’s Challenge: Your Style, Your New World!

CM Veya challenges you to dress-up your own ‘theme’ or a unique style from the dresses and outfits from Granado Espada.

Post your outfits here.

Forum Quest #8: Community Crew Challenge: Halloween In Doctor Torsche’s Mansion

Halloween is on our doorstep and Dr Torche's mansion is the one place that treats it as a major event. Of course, the inhabitants have some events up their sleeve. You have been invited to attend and overhear a conversation between some of the other guests during the party and its many events.

Post your gossip here.

3. More Updates On Bot Busting (B-Square)

The Present…

We have just set up a SWAT team to bust bots on a 24-7 basis (24 hours, 7 days a week). This team has just started work since yesterday and they only have one mission - identify, record and log suspected botters!

Our professional team of Gamemasters will then review and execute these suspected botters accordingly. This flow has in fact started a few weeks ago but with a smaller team then. Now, with the process streamlined, we are all set to go into Gear 2!

This is not all, "Gear 3" will happen really soon, as an even larger overseas team of B-Square, is being formed as we speak. We are currently in the recruitment stage for this project.

Also, we are seriously considering this • that of posting up certain replays of how our B-Square Squad has caught these botters in the act. This way, we thought you guys might have a better understanding of how much time is needed to even identify one. However, this is an idea we are toying with and is subject to community feedback as well as approval of the upper management.

Some gamers have protested their ban, citing witnesses that were speaking to them at the time of their banning or suspension. However, please note that the exact moment of banning may not be equivalent to the time when the gamer was caught botting since we usually mass ban in batches.

Discuss this here.

The Future…

IMC has implemented a new anti-bot system in Korea GE v2.4 service. The system enables the legit gamers to alert the system about a suspected botter. The system will then monitor the alleged offender for illegal usage patterns and packets - if the offender is suspected to be botting by the system, a "graphic response" image will be shown to the offender and he has to manually key in the letters shown in the image. This will make the botting a highly hard-to-do affair.

The system is currently under-going further testing with the kGE system and will most likely be implemented for our service by the time we enter into v2.4. We are currently targeting the end of December 2007 to launch v2.4 for our game service. So stay tuned for more updates on V2.4 over the next two months!

Discuss this

Taken from the Granado Espada Website.

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